Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Answer boards, social searching and blogging along


Social searching sites were interesting - I bookmarked the Taste website for future reference at home - great for finding recipes and readers comments on these recipes! Amazon was interesting too. I have always like the books section's "customers who have bought this item also bought" and the editorial reviews.

Answer boards are an interesting concept, and I have come across them from my home PC on the web e.g. looking for ways to fix computer viruses/adware problems etc. that have sneaked on my PC.

However, as far as "slamming the boards" from a public library point of view, although an interesting concept - especially the view of their being a marketing opportunity as a way to reach non-library users, as people accessing this site could be from anywhere around the world, it's not really a viable way to increase the number of library users through the door of your local public library. Marketing time might be better spent promoting Ask a librarian sites in your local area - where your clients are based. However, if there happens to be any locally produced answer boards then these might be worth while cultivating as a means of reaching non-library users in your local area.

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